屋簷下 Under the Roof
編導 王靖惇
Director and Playwright Daniel Wang
★ 編導的厲害是將社會的縮影加諸到這個家庭之中,風災受難戶、被迫拆遷、兒子出櫃、父親外遇、健保問題、城鄉差異、家庭中的偏心等等,舉重若輕的透過一個家庭來呈現出來……我們默默看著一切,看著生命的殘酷,隨為著劇中角色一起開心一起擔憂,真正進入他們的家庭之中,一起在這屋簷下度過2小時。──影評人 貧窮男
★ Where the director and writer excels is how he reflects social issues with this family: victims of a typhoon, forced eviction, the son coming out as gay, the father having an affair, health insurance issues, the gulf in development dividing the countryside and urban centers, the preference of one over another in the family: all these are seriously yet delicately dealt with in the space of one family… Silently we watch all of this unfold, seeing the cruelties of life, sharing their joys and sorrows, and for these two hours truly become part of this family under the roof. ─ Apple , critic
Under the Roof was written and directed by Daniel Wang. The play examines the traditional family’s dynamic shift in gender power as they endure a time of extreme crisis, shining a light upon the trials and struggles in lower class family life. Using a realistic yet sarcastic touch, the director weaves in a fantastical and poetic sense of time, juxtaposing memory and reality to rethink the relationship between the individual, the family and society in a non-linear flow of time.
2014. 04 國家戲劇院實驗劇場
National Experimental Theatre, Taipei, April 2014
2011. 10 首演於 竹圍十二柱工作室
Premiered at Bamboo Curtain Studio,Taipei, October 2011
演員—邱安忱、王詩淳(2014) 、陳佳穗(2011)、蔡佾玲(2011)、高華麗、張棉棉(2014)、林曉函、洪健藏