強力斷電 Force Quit
策劃及創作主持 林桂如
音樂創作及現場聲響藝術 克里斯庫柏
Curator and Music Composer Lin Kuei-Ju,
Live Sound Artist Chris Cobilis
★ 另一個令我印象深刻的地方,是”聲波”的視覺化、劇場化。我們看多了絢麗燈光與震耳音效,然而這次卻”看”到了”聲音”。─觀眾迴響
★ What impresses me the most is the visualization and theaterization of “sound waves”. We have often experienced dazzling lights and ear-piercing music, but this time, we do get to “see” the “sound”. ─ Audience feedbacks
With “technology” (human civilization) and “temperature” (nature) as its core subjects, Force Quit focuses on staged interdisciplinary performance to express the collaborators’ observation and reflection on above themes. Inspired by the performance characteristics of experimental noise artists, Force Quit takes the disjunction between the body languages (their tendencies to operate computers and synthesizers with minimal movements) and fierce sounds created, as the metaphor of those “otakus” who have abundant inner energy and yet solely rely on the internet to connect with the others. Employing a simple-tech concept with deep meaning and combining sound artists and physiques of actors and dancers, Force Quit depicts the fracture of this convenient generation with an orderly outlook and yet disturbing in essence.
2012.04首演於 牯嶺街小劇場
Premiered at Guling Street Avant-Garde Theatre, Taipei, April 2012
音樂創作及現場聲響藝術─克里斯庫柏 Chris Cobilis
共同創作及演出─林桂如、克里斯庫柏 Chris Cobilis、董怡芬、王靖惇、廖根甫