符宏征  |  藝術總監/導演


FU HONG-ZHENG  |  Artistic Director/Director

Fu Hong-Zheng established M.O.V.E. Theatre in 2006, currently teaching at the Department of Chinese Drama at Chinese Culture University, and the Department of Drama and Theatre at National Taiwan University. He had joined in Zen-Tze Theatre Laboratory, where he received the acting training method evolved from Grotowski’s system under the guidance of Chen Wei-Chen and Huang Cheng-Huang – which became the foundation of his physical theatre aesthetics. Later, he studied in the Graduate Institute of Theatre Performance at Taipei National University of the Arts with a specialization in directing under the guidance of Stan Lai and worked at Off Performance Workshop as a resident director. Fu Hong-Zheng’s works feature poetic physical landscape, multi-perspective collaged narrative, condensed theatre language, and multiple metaphors of space, through which he creates a theatre of intensity integrated with surrealistic visuality and musicality. The themes of his works include contemporary history, myth, cultural and social issues. Fu is particularly talented at evoking performers’ and viewers’ inner psychological state through theatre, demonstrating his profound contemplation on humanity and his unique theatre aesthetics.

王靖惇  |  聯合藝術總監/演員/導演/編劇



Daniel Wang holds a Master’s degree from the Graduate Institute of Drama And Theatre at National Taiwan University. He is currently the Co-Artistic Director of the M.O.V.E. Theater, a resident artist of National Taichung Theater (for 2017/18). Mainly works in theatre as an actor, playwright, and director, he also explores the field in interdisciplinary performances. The cultural phenomenon of the contemporary Taiwan society has always been the pivotal concern in his works, in which he contemplates the issues regarding modernity, human spirit, and social changes. He has created various insightful works with challenging and refreshing perspectives by fusing surrealistic images with realistic style. He was a co-winner for Best Movement-based Performance, Best Script, Best Direction, and Best Art Direction at the Bangkok Theatre Festival 2017 awards for the music theater piece Kuang Qi. He is the author of Wonderful: The Collected Scripts of Daniel WANG.


林桂如  |  音樂設計/作曲家



Lin holds a Bachelor degree in Composition from the Taipei National University of the Arts and a Ph.D. in Composition from University of California, San Diego. She is currently a full-time associate professor in music at the Shih-Chien University. As a composer, Lin Kuei-ju enjoys working with acoustic and electroacoustic instruments, sound installations and interdisciplinary collaborations in both theater and dance. Her music has been performed in concerts and music festivals in Taiwan, Japan, Korea, Israel, Australia, France, Poland, Canada and across the USA. She is also an improviser on piano. Her debut album  “Classy Bluster – Improvised Music by Kuei-ju and Friends” is released in December 2010. Her collaborative project “Dear John” received the Taishin Arts Awards’ best 5 art works of 2013.

董怡芬  |  編舞家/舞者/表演者/教育推廣




Receiving her Master’s degree from the Graduate Institute of Dance at Taipei National University of the Art and the BA degree from the Queensland University of Technology, Tung I-Fen is currently a full-time lecturer in the Department of Dance at the University of Taipei and a freelance dance artist. Having been a guest choreographer of Anarchy Dance Theatre and teaching in several art schools in Taiwan, she was also an artist-in-residence at Cite Internationale des Arts in Paris, Colorado College and George Washington University in the USA. Her signature physical performance often integrates multiple elements from theatre, film, dance, and contemporary art. As a choreographer, dancer, performer, and movement director, she collaborates with artists both from Taiwan and overseas and has actively participated in various international exchange workshops and art festivals in Britain, France, Spain, USA, Greece, South Korea, Hong Kong, Philippines, India, and Singapore.

林人中  |  策展人/行為藝術家

1984 年生於台北,現為劇場策展人及行為藝術家,從事策展、行為藝術、舞蹈、裝置藝術等創作實踐,作品曾發表於柏林行為藝術月、布魯塞爾藝術藥房、台北國際藝術村、寶藏巖國際藝術村等。林人中的行為表演經常將日常場域轉化為特定劇場情境,討論身體在當代社會中的過渡儀式性。另一方面,則以動作研究出發,探索編舞與行為藝術之間的身體表現。


Born in1984, River Lin is the board member of Performing Arts Alliance (PAA), an independent curator and artist working across the fields of performing and visual arts. By challenging the existing artistic boundary as his strategy, River’s work includes site-specific performance, theatre, dance, and installation making. River concerns culture differences between generations, the contemporary psychological state, and the performative body in ritual process.